
Greatest Scrabble Game Ever.

Originally uploaded by erkphoto1.
Brought to you by Lin Sam Erik and ...well steve tried to help


In 2007
Uploaded by JibJab

Screw you Hippies, your ruining everything!


Oh Shit.

The church that was found to have sung the song I posted a few days ago has a doozy of a website perhaps you have visited the adress: www.godhatesfags.com amazing.

Here is a link to a page of "Patriotic Songs" they sing, my personal favorite, " This land is Fag Land"

Flying Spaghetti Monster, what did we do to deserve such entertainment?


I have been thinking lately, watching all of the parents at the mall with their kids. I wonder when I am a parent will I be the type of parent who holds onto the things I learned in camping to raise my children. Or will I revert to the horrific parenting skills that are seen everyday in malls across america?


This is how I roll.

Originally uploaded by erkphoto1.
I have been hanging out with Santa lately, its good stuff. I know that I'm on the good list. Are you?


New Study

This is the best thing I have seen yet. A new study shows that if you work for an idiot you may also be an idiot. Another reason not to take that summer job in Fenton ....



Coming in first place isn't always the best thing. Read here.

Lucky for us Flint came in 3rd this year.


I'm a lot smarter than her.

So back in the day, our neighbor, really really didn't like my dog. The other day her dog was in our lawn so I played her game and I called animal control to issue her a warning. The Klyde wrote her the following letter.

Dear Renter Lady with The White Dog,

When I see you out in your lawn it makes me sad. You seem like you would be a lot of fun to play with, but you try to be angry all the time. Your best friend never gets to chase a ball or race you up and down the lawn. I don’t understand the game you play with the broomsticks and golf clubs, but I don’t like it.

You called some man in a uniform because I wanted to play and you didn’t, that wasn’t very nice either. I can be a nice guy you just have to give me a chance, you never gave me a chance. So now when I go out without my owner I have to be on a long rope and I get stuck on stuff, it’s not very fun.

What makes me the saddest is this morning you woke me up with your yelling, I look out the window and I see your dog running free in my yard. This doesn’t bother me, I just wish I could do the same. Why do you try to make me sad?

Woofly Yours,



Big Red Won't Start.

I woke up this morning, showered and got all ready to go to work. Well to go to the mall and set up santa photo stuff. And I got a phone call to tell me that Glenn's big red truck won't start.

I let Glenn know that I didn't want to carry all the stuff to the mall. He agreed. And I have the day off.

Now what?


You missed out.

For those of you who did not get the opportunity to see me as a Jehovah's witness for halloween here are the pamphlets that I designed and handed out.


I am quickly remembering why running is so addictive, I just feel better. I don't go to the gym til after work but I get home with so much more energy.

Today I ran a 5k in 26:30, which is terrible if you consider the fact I used to run 18:30's in high school...I'll get there.

Tommorow I am going for endurance I am going to do 6 miles, at around 9mins a mile just to build up the lungs.

New goal....a Marathon. Aim high, right?


Up and Running

Due to the recent event that my Dad decided to run a 5k next month, I have picked up running again. I decided that if the old man can do it so can I, and lets face it I need to get into shape anyways..well I am a shape now but it's kind of round.

So I joined a gym. It's actually great I never thought I would like a gym but this one is called anytime fitness. Because you can go anytime, the door has a little electronic lock and I have a thing that you wave in front of it and poof! the door unlocks. anytime of the day or night, so I can go in and work out and not have to be bothered after work..or before.

Best part, my wonderful mother is paying for it for my birthday! and it's cheaper if she added me to her contract.

So here's to being healthy and buff..not yet but I'll get there.

I'm not giving up beer though.


Ice Diamond's
Originally uploaded by Oli Haukur.
It feels like Iceland here...no joke.

That's all the complaining you'll here out of me about that now, I enjoyed my week in the sun and getting to see Lin.

Now back to reality.

My reality is quickly coming up with Santa Claus photo's in the mall....oh the joys, and the stories.

you haven't lived until you have worked an entire holiday season at one of the seediest malls in the flint area.


I'm coming home.

My week in warm weather is coming to an end. I have started to pack my bag up and I will be heading for the airport in just a couple hours. After a quick 3 airplanes and 6 hours of flying later I will be back in Michigan, land of shitty weather.

I only hope now that this "chance of snow" crap doesn't mess up any of my flights.


Good Day

Today being my last day in California, I spent more time walking and well...eating. I woke up to go enjoy a latte, then off for a walk to buy a new cd to put on my ipod for the really long plane ride.

I found this tiny racoon drawing on a sidewalk, i thought it was neat.

I then walked until I found a little sushi place and spoiled myself, one large japanese beer and a plate of real sushi and I was off. From there I went and spoiled myself again on some amazing frozen yogurt, and then back to lins to try and shrink myself back to size.

I think I could be a food photographer as well.

The Happiest Parade I have ever Seen.

I had the pleasure of attending the Palm Springs Pride parade yesterday, it was pretty amazing. Coming from a small town with such a closed mind about things such as being gay it was refreshing to see how accepted it is in some places. The flags were colorful and the people were even more. This was not with "look at us were gay attitude" it was "we are proud and not afraid to show it."

What amazed me more than anything was the amount of high school students marching with the gay and lesbian alliances from there schools, would fenton/lake fenton/ linden/ holly ever think to put gay students in a club and march in a parade...no we want to hide that from everyone. These youth were proud, they were comfortable with their sexuality and it was very empowering to see.

The pictures are great I know, enjoy! More on my flickr site.


I'm a slacker.

I know that I have been slacking these last couple days but my computer has not wanted to connect to the interweb.

I spent Tuesday and Wednesday at school with Ms. Goodwin teaching the fourth graders about foodchains and ecosystems ala ecomania style.

It was really a blast even thought it has been over a year now since I taught outdoor ed. it was a blast to have a group of kids who were totally into what I had to teach them.

The upbringing of these kids is soooooo different from that of my own, I mean what kid can say it's normal to go to school and have there playground over look a fricken mountain?!?

The pictures in todays blog are from Ms. Goodwins school, pretty amazing I thought.


I'm a dork I know.

Californians know how to put together a jeep, well at least one.

So good so far.

I have had what feels like a long day already and it's only about 1pm here, I have already looked at a mountain. I was going to try and climb it but well it's much bigger when you get up close to it. I met lucy, and marilyn. Found a used book store, bought a book. Went to a coffee shop/hookah place, got a coffee and read for a while. I wanted hookah but it's was only 1030 in the morning.


I made it!

3 Airplanes

7 Hours Flying Way Above Mountains

7.5 Hours in Random Airports Watching People

1 Monkey Photo Perfected

2 Double Lattes

1 Ten Dollar Reuben Sandwich
3 Complimentary Cans of Coke

1 tiny tiny pack of macadamia nuts

Lin lives in a big sandbox.

I'm in California!

Herman is still a dick....


In the Beginning

Although it is Sunday and my trip to California to see Lin does not officially start until tommorow, today is the start of my photo blog adventure.

After days of procrastination and tripping over an empty suitcase I have finished packing! I have modest yet effective very small suitcase, a back pack with my laptop and camera on board and I am ready to go.

I will be taking pictures everyday and posting them to my Flickr account as well as highlighting, some of my days activities on here. In the word of a british gentleman named Rob, "Think of the consequences."


Keeping the Preacher

A Preacher was explaining that he must move on to a larger congregation that will pay him more. There is a hush within the congregation. No one wants him to leave.
Joe Smith, who owns several car dealerships in the City stands up and proclaims, 'If the Preacher stays, I will provide him with a new Cadillac every year and his wife with a Honda mini-van to transport their children!'
The congregation sighs in relief and applauds.
Sam Brown, a successful entrepreneur and investor, stands and says 'If the Preacher will stay on here, I'll personally double his salary and also establish a foundation to guarantee the college education of all his children!'
More sighs and loud applause.
Sadie Jones, age 88, stands and announces with a smile, 'If the Preacher stays, I will give him sex!'
There is total silence.
The Preacher, blushing, asks her 'Mrs. Jones, whatever possessed you to say that?'
Sadie's 90 year old husband Jake is now trying to hide, holding his forehead with the palm of his hand and shaking his head from side to side, while his wife replies 'Well, I just asked my husband how we could help and he said 'Screw the Preacher!'


If you understand

If you understand this website it means you could be Australian...one of us should pass this one.


Pop Quiz

If you have a british guy and have just finished a liter of vodka in less than 20mins, you can

A. Exit a line for a bar you have been standing in because of childish bickering.

B. Be called hippie Australians.

C. Collect ticket stubs from students leaving the MSU game at half time and then talk your way in for free (even with a "no reentry" sign right in front of you)

D. All of the Above

If you answered D you would be correct.

Kit is now on team America, and has been disowned by the British.


The Witch Next Door

Next door to my parents lives a witch, this witch in fact hates my dog Klyde. She on numerous ocassions has gotten very upset by Klyde's arrival in her lawn to bark at her dogs. She claims one of her dogs was bit and that she has a photo of it...she also claims to have video of Klyde barking at her back door.

She has tried to poke Klyde with a broom handle. I think that pisses him off.

This has all led her to the fact that she will call animal control blah blah blah

So today she left a very poorly written letter on my Mother's car about the situation, and did not even sign it.

No name or phone number just nothing.

When you write an angry letter to your neighbors, sign the damn thing so I at least can know what the bitches name is when I tell her to go fuck herself.

Sorry for the anger...




Attention General Public

This is a public service announcement brought you by you local "living at home with mom and dad" photographer.

The man you see pictured here as entered the great country of the US of A. Though he is not armed nor dangerous your knowledge of his arrival is vital to your everyday lives.

He often refers to himself as "Rob" this fact can be confirmed by his passport, as for anything else he may inform you of we can not confirm.

He may inform you that he is a british soccer star, actor, or part of a rock band of sorts.

In the event that "Rob" tells you that he is a comedian promptly ask him for a joke. Do not be alarmed when you don't understand the punchline or anything he says for that matter. He is not funny.

One last thing, he keeps pretending he is british to pick up women....ladies don't fall for this , as he is from ohio.


There she blows!!

Kit I found your mom!

She looks a bit horny....


Taco Bell Savannah
Originally uploaded by TW Collins.
Taco Bell always taste better in the middle of the night.

After a trip to the Cantina.

To listen/harrass Bobby.


Picture Day

Vinatge School Photo
Originally uploaded by Tobyotter.
I vividly remember a certain picture day from my childhood, and now that I take school photo's I laugh about it every time I pick up the camera.

I was in elementary school and well I was pretty much awesome. Now to my mothers dismay I wore a collared shirt on this picture day, and I wanted nothing more than to pop that collar. She told me over and over again to put the collar down until she proceeded to do it for me.

I popped my collar that day for my picture....I showed her.

And I looked like a douche bag.

that picture isn't me.....I can't find the popped collar picture...not to mention no scanner.



Alright, this is going to be catchy...

Every Saturday I am going to post a question.

You will give me your best answer (please)

This will increase my popularity....thus increasing commenting and it will make me smile.

If you could be any animal in the entire world what would it be and why?



Originally uploaded by Ezra F.
What if you were a bug? Your flying around minding your own business.

Then WHAM!!!

Your Dead.

You thought it was air, you were flying why wouldn't it be air? Who would possible put something in the universe that you could not see whilst flying home to your bug family?

What if this worked on us too?

Your driving home on the highway, minding your own business just driving.

The WHAM!!!!

Yeah....giant piece of glass in the middle of the road. You couldn't see it you didn't expect it.

Why would anyone put a giant piece of glass in the middle of the road?


I was unaware that Adam Resh was in a band.....not to mention the shirt.


Just FYI

If you eat food you can still get HIV.




I can't make up my mind if this is an improvement from the Chinese or a step back...it comes down to sex vs. drugs.
Sex is Prime Cause of China's HIV


aaahh!!! real monsters

On days and nights that I am super bored I really wish that they would just bring back cartoons like this one.



Kessel and I went fishing today.

He wanted to catch a swordfish.

He did not.

He in fact did not catch anything...except his own minnow, over and over and over.

Maybe next time kessel.


I have to say that I have enjoyed the fact that I do not have to go into work until 3pm today. Don't get me wrong I love working at camps and I love waking up in the morning knowing that it's going to be a long day of playing to get paid. But there is just something so enjoyable about not having to set an alarm waking up to have time to do what you need to get done before heading off for work.

On another note yesterday was my first day back at the gas station and it was pretty fun, compared to working with at risk youth it was a breeze. My mom actually stopped me to say that she was glad I was having fun...it was purely sarcasm on her part. I just assume that they forgot what fun was at the station while I was gone . There are so many complaints about other staff and things not getting done. When you work at camps I feel like you get a work ethic that is second to none instilled in your mind. Working at camp is not like having just one job but about ten all at the same time, you learn to manage your time and multi task.

Being back in Fenton has it's ups and downs but so far so good, if anyone wants to come see me and play on the lake at my parents before school starts and the weather turns let me know.

Click, Pirate!

This morning I clicked on a link on facebook and became a pirate....if only life were that easy I would have been a pirate years ago.


Crossroads Summer

So my summer working with at risk youth has come to a completion. I want to say that it was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done yet the most rewarding at the same time.

The youth that are court ordered to be there are just kids, they have made some bad choices but they are just kids....kids that will tell you that they are going to kill you but kids none the less.

The weeks of youth assistance were amazing I had 20 campers the first week and 25 the second and the second week most of the were returning campers from the first week, I am now a true believer in two week camp sessions making all the difference for the kids. The bonds that were made between campers and staff alike in those two weeks were wonderful to watch. I laughed I yelled, I whispered, I listened, and I cried those kids got to me. Most importantly I made a difference, to hear a mom on the end of the second week tell me that her son really looks up to me and that he needs a positive male role model that was huge.

So Camp Adventure = Success

Oh and I'm back to blogging as well!