
Greatest Scrabble Game Ever.

Originally uploaded by erkphoto1.
Brought to you by Lin Sam Erik and ...well steve tried to help


In 2007
Uploaded by JibJab

Screw you Hippies, your ruining everything!


Oh Shit.

The church that was found to have sung the song I posted a few days ago has a doozy of a website perhaps you have visited the adress: www.godhatesfags.com amazing.

Here is a link to a page of "Patriotic Songs" they sing, my personal favorite, " This land is Fag Land"

Flying Spaghetti Monster, what did we do to deserve such entertainment?


I have been thinking lately, watching all of the parents at the mall with their kids. I wonder when I am a parent will I be the type of parent who holds onto the things I learned in camping to raise my children. Or will I revert to the horrific parenting skills that are seen everyday in malls across america?