
Well today I had an extensive talk with the camp manager for Grizzly Creek Ranch in California, she was very excited that I was considering working for them this summer. The camp sounds nothing short of amazing they only have 120 kids a week maximum, I would be living in a brand new staff housing building and the camp is only 4 years old to begin with. They are interested in having me start a type of media program for them (that shouldn't be too hard). So things are looking good right now, they are going to confirm everything in the middle of March but I was told not to go talking to any other camps...that shouldn't be a problem. I'm excited for this and scared all at the same time....

Yes that's a picture of the camp and yes that's grass instead of shredded tree trunks.


Anonymous said...

i've actually grown fond of our tree shrapnel.

Anonymous said...

Do they need a Health Officer with some very clever "remedies"?

The HO Herself.

MLA said...

Dear Fav,



Erk said...

I think that's a great idea for a presentation.