

Balinese Dream
Originally uploaded by javajive.
"Reality can be beaten with enough imagination."

I loved this quote, it just says so much with so little. On one hand I envision reality as the little brother and imagination is just about ready to put the smack down on him....that's my vivid imagination running there.

On the other hand I feel that this quote speaks a lot of truth to our everyday lives. The fact of the matter is that we can not escape reality but we can beat it, we beat it everyday by loving our jobs, enjoying the morning drive through the snow, we beat it with the small things, our imaginations.

Think about it, if you were to stop imagining completley today how different would your life look? What is the reality around you?


MLA said...

Imagination is da bomb.

Anonymous said...

Especially if it's put to good use.

*thinking about canoe-jousting*