
I get it now.

Politics Explained

FEUDALISM: You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.

PURE SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all of the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need.

BUREAUCRATIC SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and put them in a barn with everyone else's cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and eggs as the regulations say you need.

FASCISM: You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them and sells you the milk.

PURE COMMUNISM: You have two cows. Your neighbors help you take care of them, and you all share the milk.

RUSSIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk.

CAMBODIAN COMMUNISM: You have two cows. The government takes both of them and shoots you.

DICTATORSHIP: You have two cows. The government takes both and drafts you.

PURE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors decide who gets the milk.

REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. Your neighbors pick someone to tell you who gets the milk.

BUREAUCRACY: You have two cows. At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. Then it takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows.

PURE ANARCHY: You have two cows. Either you sell the milk at a fair price or your neighbors try to take the cows and kill you.

LIBERTARIAN/ANARCHO-CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.

SURREALISM: You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.


Redneck Attitude

I just don't know what to say....


Pick up and Go

Why can some people just pic up and go and others can't? Which person am I?

My whole life has really been spent in Fenton, now this I don't think is a bad thing but I just don't enjoy it anymore. I know where everything is, I know the people who work there, and chances are I have sold cigarettes to the majority of peple in the business. I am constantly running into people I went to high school with and I'm constantly dissapointed.

I don't see much happening for me here. I love my job with the photography studio but I just don't think that living where I grew up is for me...and I haven't seen anything.

I have seen only a few places outside of Michigan and about the same amount inside of Michigan and none of them for more than about a week at a time.

So it's time to step out of my bubble so I'm taking submissions for where I should move....any ideas?


It's been done.

A Common Cause

Yesterday night I gathered with a group of my very close friends for a common cause. Now even though we all live varying distances away from our destination last night I believe we were all showing up for the same reason. Against what you may believe ultimately friendship brought us together. Some of us have known eachother only years of our lives but it feels like decades, at one point we were all brought together for one common cause and one common objective...that is camp. Since then we have all moved on, some to bigger better jobs than moving tables, some to begin teaching the children that we entertained for summers on end, some to continue their education, two to be forced into reading the bible, one working in a gas station, one returning to a camp they first fell in love with, and one is off to a roaring start on his own business.

Though no matter where we go, who we meet, what we do, we can not forget why we are friends and what started our friendships. Camp has molded us into who we are today...so the question is, how do we repay a place that we once held so dear to our hearts and have been pushed away from? What do we do now?

Can we really just sit back and watch?


No Explanation Needed

I felt that this should be posted everywhere it could be. If you disagree tough, were

The Blacklist.

Bovine Freedom

This is probably the strangest thing I have watched in a long time but once it started I had a hard time turning it off... You will enjoy as well I feel

Cows With Guns


This is What I Do.

I'm coming to a fairly quick realization to what my life has become lately, and I'm pretty up in the air about whether I'm enjoying it or not.

Every night or nearly every night I work at the gas station, I sell cigarettes to the same people in just about the same order as the night before. Sure you get the occasional wierdo...well they are all weird some just take the cake though, and that is the excitement for the night. Then I come home call my significant other and retire to my dreams.

The following morning I can not even call a morning because I haven't gotten out of bed before 11am in the last four to five days. I then turn on my laptop and enjoy the bliss of the internet, I read the same sites, look at the same photography webpage and that's that, I shower I eat and it's back to the gas station.

Sure every once and a while there is a photography job mixed in there and those will pick up pretty soon here but right now I'm pretty much a lazy bum...and I'm loving it. I don't think that I would trade this week of laziness for the world, sometimes life can be so stressful that you don't know if you want to wake up the next day and deal with it. I have not experianced this since the beggining of October, and if you know me you know why that is.

So I'm doing okay....I just need a hobby. Tommorow I start running again...okay a slow jog. Pictures to prove it as well.


Gas Station Philosophy #1

Originally uploaded by erkphoto1.
This is part one of hopefully many in the Gas Station Philosophy section of my rants.


Balinese Dream
Originally uploaded by javajive.
"Reality can be beaten with enough imagination."

I loved this quote, it just says so much with so little. On one hand I envision reality as the little brother and imagination is just about ready to put the smack down on him....that's my vivid imagination running there.

On the other hand I feel that this quote speaks a lot of truth to our everyday lives. The fact of the matter is that we can not escape reality but we can beat it, we beat it everyday by loving our jobs, enjoying the morning drive through the snow, we beat it with the small things, our imaginations.

Think about it, if you were to stop imagining completley today how different would your life look? What is the reality around you?


For Schnert....

Aids kills one child every minute.

Now you all know that I am not one to push people into buying anything because I know that were all poor but you have to check out this site. It's a tag, a necklace of sorts that you purchase, it's $5, then shipping and what not so it ends up being just over $10....that not a lot, all the money goes to YouthAIDS.

I have one Schnert has one and you probably should too....and if Schnert and I aren't enough for you John Mayer has one...no response...okay Eva Mendes....that's what I thought go get one.


Your welcome Schnert.


Carrots and Cigarettes


The above comic is not only quirky and fun but I find it mind boggling as well. You see every day I go to work at my parent's gas station and I encounter handfuls if not basketfuls of iressponsible adults. I have heard about divorces, child custody battles, ignored siblings, robberies, and empty bank accounts. All of the action that I see I feel boil down to just hiding from responsibility. Every person who comes into the station is ready to blame someone else every time something doesn't go there way.

Example #1

Customer "A" pulls up to the gas pump, inserts card. Card is denied. The customer immediatly comes inside and responds to the situation with something along the lines of "Whats wrong with pump 7?"

Now in this situation it is very difficult not to tell the customer that there is nothing wrong with the pump the problem is that Customer "A" is irresponsible with their own financial situation and they didn't even know the amount of money in there bank account.

Hiding from Responsibility

Example #2

My favorite this customer "B" if you will bring their young child into the gas station. "B" inspires me by seeming to be a good parent and tells the child to search for that perfect candy. While this is happening the parent requests a pack of cigarettes (irresponsible). Here is where it gets good...the child brings the candy up ....the parent does not have enough money for both the smoking devices and the candy so the child is told to put the candy back....let that sink in for a moment.

All this from a comic with carrots in it.




This morning Klyde woke up and told me that he wanted to be on my blog. So I said "Okay short legs you can be on the blog."

That will be all.


The "List"

1. Self Respect
2. Honor
3. Integrity
4. Compassion
5. Experiance
6. Love
7. Friendship
8. Dedication

How many of those could you just remove from your life for no reason at all?


Cheek Monkeys and Chinese

Originally uploaded by ElisabethD.
Today MLA and I went to get some lunch, it's always nice to spend time with a good friend and consume food that someone else prepared for you. Now I wanted to check out a place that I had found on my phone's free gps trial thing. This place was called Cheeky Monkey's Bistro...in Goodrich. So we went.

Now if anyone is looking for a well used building that was formerly a bistro of sorts I know where one is ....it's in Goodrich.

Moral of the story....if you want a bistro meal from a monkey, eat chinese.


With Every Ending Comes a New Beggining.

Well here it is, the start of a new era. I have created another blog.

Chances are the thought me having another blog just passed through your mind and you were thinking something along the lines of...oh man this is trouble. I assure you though that I have learned my lesson. I am not here to start a revolution of sorts, slander any overweight individuals or commit treason of any sort. I decided that everything deserves a second chance even my blogging career (hey this could turn into a career.)

I realize that my thoughts are much more clear when I write them out, so I plan to do that, this is more therapy for me than anything. You see right now I spend a lot of time working and just as much time living with my parents. Work is one story of my life you will soon hear and living with my parents....oh boy that' s a whole new can of worms. But who can argue with free food?

So here it is, The Second Time Around.