
A Lull.

Right now it kind of a lull before the storm that is our spring season at Hot Shots. I have spent my last week doing tons of prep work and cleaning in order to be ready for the thousands upon thousands of kids we will photograph in the next 3 months.

This week has also made me realize again how much I love my job. The atmosphere is so laid back yet we get a lot done. We have fun and it changes everyday. I look forward to this spring and getting out there making good pictures again.

As for this weekend, I am doing a whole ton of nothing. I have spent the majority of today in my sweats. I organized my room a bit and now it's time for a shower.

What do the hours ahead hold for me. Probably a large amount of Halo, some photochop fun, and a possible adult beverage.


goreschy16 said...

Erik I have taken on a photography project.
"One a day, to keep the doctor away"

One straight shot photo of myself.
For at least two years.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I can completely understand where you're coming from. I'm a school photographer in the UK (Jamie's mum) and I've had the last couple of months off and have my first job next week. I've enjoyed the time off but am really keen to get back to taking photographs. The summer term for us is medium busy, it's the autumn term over here that is most manic so I've had my quiet time for the year already!
Hope you don't mind me commenting.
Mommy Veg

Erk said...

The more comments the merrier Mommy Veg! It's always great to hear from other photographers as well. I just can't believe that I have been doing this work for so long and Jamie has never once mentioned that his own mum has a similiar job to mine.