

Originally uploaded by erkphoto1.
With so much grease how could this not be good for you?

This is what I ate for dinner the other night and it was great, and this is also the reason I have been drinking so much vitamin water. My lack of any nutritional value in my diet.

I am taking dance lessons again in linden that is good fun, and should put me into a bit of a better shape.

I support the change in layout on the Artichoke it looks good and the poll is a lot of fun especially when it pokes fun of kit.

Kit....eat 100 Chicken nuggets now.

Mariah....well done on the blog, pink...well that's alright.

Kit...where's your blog?


Charles D. Leibrand said...

What the hell is that?

It took me three years of lurking to start a blog.

Cut Kit some slack, his butler is busy.


Erk said...

That is a stromboli, and I expect a little more out of kit...and he doesn't need a butler to eat chicken nuggets for him.

Lisa said...

Is that stromboli from Sams??? They have the best stromboli.

I'm curious what kind of dance lessons you're taking and where?