
Neil Diamond

I spent a good part of my night last night watching the results show of American Idol. The mentor of sorts this week was Neil Diamond, in turn he had to preform. How convienent that he has a new album "dropping" soon as they say in the biz.

After listening to Neils song "Pretty Amazing Grace" I realized that Neil Diamond is living the dream. Neil has sold millions of albums and never sang a word. He speaks with a tonal voice and people love him.

Why does Neil Diamond just speak and never sing, because he can. When you catch yourself jamming to Neil it's because when he speaks he is actually saying "Hey listen here jackass I'm Neil Diamond, I don't have to sing, but you'll like it."

The song "Pretty Amazing Grace" Has a very passive name in my humble opinion and and even more passive tone. There is no huge climax to the song, it just kind of floats by you with no intentions of doing anything else than to say, Neil Diamond is alive and well and standing behind a microphone speaking take out your wallet.


Lisa said...


People "jam" to Neil Diamond?


Kal El said...

who doesn't jame to Neil?