
Sandyvagina Idol

Nothing, and I really mean nothing angers me more than this whiney child on American Idol. Sandyvagina is way past my wits end and I can no tolerate him anymore. Now this may just be a jump on the band wagon idea...it seems though that if I were in this so called wagon with the band members I would be supporting him and voting for him. This is not the case. Instead I cringe when he moves on and I cry for man kind every time I see him in the news.

What's the quickest way to turn your 17 year old into an egotistical bastard that will end up in drug rehab down the hall from Brittney Spears?

American Idol


MLA said...

Is this person's name really Sandyvagina?!

Erk said...

no it's
Sanjaya but close enough.