
General Frustration.

Originally uploaded by Shooz

It's story time kids, so sit back and listen to this tale. Last night myself and my significant other went out to our favorite drinking destination this side of the mighty Shiawassee. Known to many as Sagebrush Cantina. Now we all know that the Brush is a public domain where any one can be and do as they please.

On this night there was a certain crowd attending the festivities of the brush and while I was amused to see a lot of them and indifferent to seeing others there was a situation that arose.

A former boss of sorts was in attendance and while it was nice to see an active social life arising for this individual her attitude regarding personal space was less than appealing. She informed members of the group she was with, staff members at that to make sure that I (and one other person who I will not name they can let it out if they wish) was at least 5ft away from her at all times or she would lose it.

This in turn made me want to go and give the best hug I've ever given but I did not. The situation also caused others to avoid talking to our small group in fear that the boss would see.

I can only hope that she reads this and realizes how childish and ridiculous she really is.

A public place is a public place no matter what previous situations have arose.

Feel free to comment.


Kal El said...

I am happy and honored to have my name in the Erk, it was me, Adam Resh, the other one she wanted to avoid or she would "lose it."

I'd also like to point out that she hates me more since she also had her fuzzy little ass puppet tell McBest an extra time to make sure I stayed 5 ft. away from her.

Well, bitch, I'd just like to make sure you understand, if you hang out in a public place, talk/hang out with the other members of the Scurvy Squad, you're pretty much inviting me to come be within 5 ft. of you. Dummy.

Also, when you sit at the bar, in dead center of the bar, I'm going to come get a drink at some point in the night. You may be the Queen of Darkness, your soul may be blacker than the list you have put us all who opposed you on, and Homo the Ass Clown may be terrified of you, but I'm not, we're not. Believe it or not, we came there last night to drink and hang out with friends, not travel back in time to

Kal El said...

the land of middle school and being an immature loser. Come on now, come on.

Anonymous said...

If I'd been there I'd have made a point to be her shadow. On her like white on rice.

Then we would throw down and I would win. Her ass is huge, but my rage and bitterness would trump it.

MLA said...

Our experiences with that place become more ridiculous by the second.

Matt said...

What would be really funny is if we started a Copneconic blog (I don't recall there being a trademark on the name Copneconic and post these factual stories for Google to find. You can't be shut down for writing truthful stuff.

But we care for the camp, as opposed to the morons in charge who are purely self serving and wouldn't know honesty, respect, responsibility, or caring if they formed a death metal band and started singing "We are honesty, respect, responsibility, and caring".